Collaborative platforms in accommodation by Pilar Saura

4. Conclusions Technological development, together with the incorporation of European regulations in Spain, has meant that the Administration has abandoned its traditional role - based on preventive control through prior authorization - and has taken on new ex-post control mechanisms. This new situation necessarily means that the public administration must be much more diligent in inspecting and checking private activities once they have begun. Thus, ex-post control of private activities has become the real cornerstone of the control system. The standard has lost its function of stabilizing legal relations. Verification, supervision, or inspection of compliance with binding provisions is nowadays an unfinished business in the public administration landscape, especially since the entry of digital platforms into the market. It is essential to deepen the practical exercise of control activity in the new digital environment characterized by the existence of collaborative platforms in accommodation. The ecosystem in which the Administration's intervention or control activity takes place is characterized by the fact that it is carried out within the Smart city, smart tourist destinations, and the use of big data. It is essential to reconsider the different roles (and their underlying responsibilities) that both digital platforms and the Administration itself are called upon to play in this environment. Finally, the inspection activity is a genuinely administrative function, with a long tradition in important areas of public action, which, unlike other traditional public functions, far from being an activity in decline or abandoned, is an activity in full growth and expansion. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALBIDAÑA, C. (2018), “¿Marca el nuevo artículo 54 ter el fin de la opacidad fiscal de los alquileres turísticos?”, Revista Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi, núm. 938, Ciduz Menor: Aranzadi.