Public and private law instruments to protect neighbours on accommodation by Afonso Café

International Journal of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law 8. This decision does not consider the fact that local accommodation is a use compatible with residential use and cannot always be considered a commercial activity. On the other hand, given that many local accommodation establishments operate in buildings set up as horizontal property and that this decision applies to all fractions, even if legal and operating, which carry out this activity, this ruling generates the possible subsequent illegalisation of these establishments and an increase in conflict in the condominiums 9. This judicial approach, taken from a strictly formalist and conceptual perspective of the legal system, will lead to an outcome which in practical application generates an avalanche of devastating effects to which the judicial system remains indifferent. REFERENCES Benavides Velasco, P., Los sujetos (III): consumidores y usuarios ante el reto de la economía colaborativa, Gonsálbes Pequeño, H. (Dir,): Régimen jurídico de consumo colaborativo, Cizur Menos, 2018, pp. 176 to 180. Feliu, S, International Perspective: Requirements for access to the market of platforms in the vacation rental sector, Digital Platforms in Vacation Rental, Dir. FELIU, S, Editorial Reus, 2020, p.170. Fukuyama, F. Confiança, 1st ed., Gradiva, 1996 , p. 34; Bravo de Mansilla, G, Pisos turísticos y comunidades de vecinos: un posible caso de abuso de derecho, Viviendas de uso turístico: Régimen civil, administrativo y fiscal, Dir. Bravo de Mansilla, G, Reus, 2020, pp. 329-366; Atienza M., Una Apologia del Derecho y otros Ensayos, Editorial Trotta, 2020 pág. 111; Olinda Garcia, M, Short-term leases to tourists: an (improperly) named local accommodation contract, Electronic Law Journal, October 2017, pp. 2-23. Oliveira F, Passinhas S, Lopes D, Local Lodging and Use of Autonomous Fraction, 2017, Almedina.