Tourism Enterprise and Cultural Heritage protection, as a legal for valorization of the Territory and of the Person by Francesco Torchia

23 uniformly the commercial relations established within the economic unity of the markets43. It is not enough, however, to find the ethical sources of private law in the fundamental principles, such as human dignity, freedom, equality, the democratic principle and the principle of the social state44, but it is necessary to understand the dignity of man not only in the sense of recognizing a certain prevalence of personal value over the collective one, but also in the sense of imposing a limit on the calculation of costs - benefits45. Attributing it an ethical dimension46, avoids that the enterprise ends up dispersed « the tangle of situations of conflict of interest, as well as on the other hand in that tangle is ended even-that every theorization of the enterprise itself... »47. This is because, although the route of the technical evaluations to be followed is uncertain, the economy at the service of man is, nevertheless, aimed at the recovery 43 In this sense our own Court of Cassation in a well-known judgment, the judgment n. 722 of 8 February 1982, in Foro it. 1982, I, c. 2285, which even went so far as to recognize in the Lex Mercer a true and proper original legal order expression of the mercantile society, which makes use of the courts of the national States as organs of coercion. 44 This result can only be achieved after defining the rules required to supervise the exchange of resources and only after having evaluated, in a preliminary way, whether the values that have marked our Constitutional Charter, if others have been added and if, Because of new ethical cultures, traditional values have been transformed or outdated. In this sense see A. PALAZZO E I. FERRANTI, Ethics of Private Law, Vol. II, Padua, 2002, 1, p. 3, according to which "the constitutional normative result rather than marking, as some have said, a compromise between different cultures, has meant the recognition of common values, among which one, of which the moral nature, which is tolerance, as part of the achievements cultural". 45 See L. MENGONI, Note on the relationship between law and morality, in Iustitia, 1998, p. 309 46 An ethics of finance or business that places increasing attention on the relationship between duties and consequences. In the opposite sense, however, see G. ROSSI, The ethics of business, in Riv. soc. 1992, p. 542, which warns against recourse to the C.D. ethics buffer, since the reference to ethics is allowed only when it is done through legislative changes, of delegations, that is, Finally, with the appeals that our system addresses to public morality to morality and good faith. 47 Conf. in this sense what said by G. ROSSI, The ethics of business, cit. , p. 544.