Tourism Enterprise and Cultural Heritage protection, as a legal for valorization of the Territory and of the Person by Francesco Torchia

FRANCESCO TORCHIA 30 Placing man, the environment and our historical, cultural and artistic heritage at the centre of the economic system, in other words, means that productivity and profit can become the prerequisite for an action capable of intuiting and satisfying the needs of the other. Needs to be met by political communities, individuals and social groups. In short, the realisation of profits can find an adequate place within the positive factors of a modern economy to become a prerequisite of a process, which ends with a common destination of goods. For this to happen, however, it is necessary to base the orientation of the company on the ethical behavior of the operators in the search for profit71. It follows from the foregoing, in conclusion, that the main characteristic for a new way of doing business in the tourism sector can be seen precisely in the role played by operators in determining the efficiency of the economic system, achieving, moreover, a concrete and effective osmosis with the administrative apparatus of control. For this to happen, however, there must be an essential link between the development of the market and the raising of the common standard of living, that is, there must be general criteria by which to exploit human resources, ensure the compliance of the action with technical rules and achieve a more penetrating form of protection and protection of common goods, assuming the organizational and productive connotation of a real social enterprise. encyclicals which, in understanding the enterprise as a value in itself, They also emphasise stability and continuity in production. Cf. in this sense F. Capriglione, Ethics of finance and ethical finance, cit. , p. 45, which refers expressly to what is contained in the Encyclical Centesimus annus, par.35. 71 Conf. F. CAPRIGLIONE, Ethics of Finance and Ethical Finance, cit. , p. 47.