International Journal of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law 2023

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, TRAVEL AND HOSPITALITY LAW tourism”24 from a sustainable, environmental, social, cultural, economic and, of course, health perspective, avoiding overloading the corresponding territories so that neither the environment nor public health is affected, nor residents look askance at tourists. Of course, understanding that the tourism sector must generate economic benefits is something we cannot disregard, but perhaps it is necessary, as I have been saying, to change our perspective. But in order to achieve this objective, it is also necessary to rethink the instruments available to the public authorities, and even the role they must play in this whole process of reinvention or change of model. Because I understand, as I will try to explain in the following sections, that the public authorities, especially the public administrations competent in the matter, cannot adopt a neutral position. Their position must, I believe, be committed to this change, to the medium and long-term sustainability and quality of a sector that is essential, whether we like it or not, for the Spanish economy. In this sense, the doctrine has already expressed itself in such a way that there has even been talk of the birth of a “new Tourism Law” to generate security and confidence25. Let us take advantage of these lines to point out something that is Role of Public administration and/or DMOs, with the following measures designed and implemented: • New Llei de Residus i Sòls Contaminants of the Balearic Islands (New Waste Law). • Aid programs for the implementation of environmental quality certifications: • Awarding of prizes to encourage the creation of ideas and innovative projects that can contribute to the achievement of the circular economy objectives 24 RIVERO CEBALLOS, J. L., HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, J., CORRAL QUINTANA, S. y NAVARRO IBÁÑEZ, M., (2020) “Una breve reflexión desde el cero turístico”, en SIMANCAS CRUZ, M., HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍN, R. y PADRÓN FUMERO, N. (Coords.), Turismo pos-COVID-19. Reflexiones, retos y oportunidades, Op. Cit., p. 64, “However, zero tourism can also be an excellent opportunity to “rethink tourism”, that is, not to be satisfied with the things that are being done well and to consider the foreseeable dynamics of the changes that will take place in the near future. Thus, for example, the increase in health safety requirements in tourist destinations will be very noticeable in the coming years. In any case, uncertainty about tourism activity should be mitigated by considering the demonstrable influence of economic growth on tourism”. 25 MELGOSA ARCOS, F. J., (2020) “Coronavirus y turismo. Efectos de la declaración de alarma y de las distintas normas sobre medidas sanitarias y socioeconómicas en el sector turístico español” en “Turismo post- -COVID-19. “El turismo después de la pandemia global. Análisis, perspectivas y vías de recuperación”, Op. Cit., p. 15, “If there is one thing all experts agree on, it is that the COVID-19 crisis will mark a turning point for tourism. Tourism businesses and destinations are obliged to generate security and consumer confidence; it is essential to establish rules and protocols that generate security. From now on, it will be necessary for all tourist establishments to display in a visible place – and in all communications with customers – all seals and certificates certifying that they have complied with cleaning and disinfection processes. In hotels, it will be necessary to offer guests masks and disinfectant gels in the room amenities; in cleaning, staff protection and the use of new products capable of combating viruses will be mandatory; in catering, it will be necessary to change buffet habits in favour of other alternatives with less risk, without ruling out breakfast in the room; and it will also be essential to reduce contact through the use of digitalised tools and services, for example, to carry out registration. In terms of staffing, new behavioural patterns are needed between staff/clients, between staff and each other, and between clients and other clients.