International Journal of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law 2023

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, TRAVEL AND HOSPITALITY LAW exercise. Of course, and apart from the above, but in the same sense, Law 20/2013, of 9 December, on guaranteeing the unity of the market28. We are not proposing here a return to the above, but rather the appropriate and reasonable use of the instruments available to public administrations to carry out the control and supervision of a sector, the tourism sector, which requires a change of model. In this respect, it is hard to understand how the competent public administrations do not make more intensive use of information technologies to achieve the proposed objectives. It is not necessary, I would like to stress this idea, to wait several weeks or months to check that companies and professionals comply with requirements aligned with sustainability. Nor is it necessary to initiate lengthy and costly inspection processes to ensure compliance with the relevant requirements. The use of these technologies can achieve, on the one hand, a lighter administrative intervention, i.e. less intense and restrictive of rights and, on the other hand, a more effective compliance with the sustainability objectives previously proposed in the corresponding public policies. 3.5. – Smart tourism as a solution to the problem of sustainability. Also in the health sector 3.5.1. – Information technologies have been part of the problem. In a previous work I have already explained my point of view on how information and knowledge technologies have contributed, to a large extent, to increasing the problems of mass tourism, the gentrification of cities and “tourism-phobia”, by means of digital platforms that bypassed the traditional tourist offer of accommodation. The lack of information and knowledge has largely contributed to the problems of overcrowded tourism, gentrification of cities and “tourismphobia”, through digital platforms that bypass the traditional tourist accommodation offer. Initially, the lack of regulation of this new offer prevented 28 Special mention should be made of Royal Decree 39/2010 of 15 January, which repealed various state regulations on access to tourism activities and the exercise thereof, and which entailed the deregulation of many tourism subsectors. In this sense, the autonomous communities, which applied many of the repealed regulations in a supplementary manner, found themselves in the need to regulate certain tourism sectors in record time. Some of them are still unregulated in some autonomous communities, which, together with the change in the control model, means, de facto, a complete liberalisation of certain tourism subsectors.