International Journal of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law 2023

Tourism, sustainability and circularity in Law 3/2022, of 15 June, on urgent measures for the sustainability and circularity of tourism in the Balearic Islands Antonia Paniza Fullana1 I.- A previous step to Law 3/2022, of 15 June: Decree Law 3/2022, of 11 June. II. Aim of the Rule and Modifications of the Law on Tourism in the Balearic Islands. 1. In general. 2. New concepts and some changes. III. New Title V of The Law On Tourism In The Balearic Islands: measures for circular economy. 1. Circularity strategy. 2. Calendar, infractions, and administrative sanctions. IV. Temporary suspension of acquisition of new tourist bed places for tourist accommodation. V. Classification of tourist accommodation establishments. VI. Conclusions. Bibliography. Documents. Regulations Law 3/2022, of 15 June, entails turning around the regulation of tourism in the Balearic Islands. It is a shift towards sustainability and circularity. This is supposed to be attained with great obligations to be fulfilled by the companies in the tourism sector, especially those in accommodation. These obligations are temporally specified in a calendar foreseen by the rule itself, with sanctions in case of unfulfillment. This law is a modification of the Law on Tourism in the Balearic Islands, and it stresses fields like energy, residues, water, and proximity products. This goes hand in hand with a moratorium on the acquisition of new tourist bed places for a period of time, up to a maximum of four years. The end goal of all of this is achieving sustainability in a key sector in the economy of the Balearic Islands. Keywords: Tourism, sustainability, circularity, tourist accommodation, contractual offer. 1 DOI Civil Law Professor, University of the Balearic Islands.