Legal Approaches for Sustainable Wine Tourism Development by Dimitrios Mylonopoulos and Polyxeni Moira

1st World Congress on Wine Tourism and the Law 1746/2015 and 13143/2018, jointly issued by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and the Ministry of Tourism, the technical, functional and special specifications were defined for wine tourism businesses as well as for the Quality Label “Winery Open to the Public”. More specifically, it is stipulated that: a) Wineries and wine-producing establishments must have either individually or in combination, a visitor’s area, a multi-purpose hall, a tasting area properly designed for wine tasting, as well as a space for displaying, presenting, and selling products. Furthermore, a designated person should be responsible for the reception of visitors throughout their tour. This person acts as a guide and is knowledgeable about the winemaking processes, history, and the products offered by the winery. Having a responsible person ensures that visitors receive accurate information and have a smooth and organized experience during their visit. Overall, these specifications aim to enhance the overall wine tourism experience by providing well-organized and visitor-friendly spaces, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the world of winemaking and wine culture. The wine tasting room must be equipped at least with the following items: i) wine tasting glasses (glass, stemmed, regardless of size), ii) spittoons, and iii) refrigerators or coolers that ensure the proper temperature of the wines (serving temperature). Additionally, the winery's premises must have appropriate signage displaying information about the opening hours and days as well as contact telephone numbers. There should be clear signage both inside and outside the winery's premises. Moreover, the winery area must have appropriate signage with information about the opening hours and days as well as contact numbers. In a prominent place in the reception area, the price list of the wines and the cost of the tasting as well as a price list of the other services provided must be displayed. Having proper equipment and signage in place enhances the professionalism of the wine tourism experience and ensures that visitors have a pleasant and well-organized visit to the winery. It allows guests to fully immerse themselves in the wine culture, learn about the wines produced, and enjoy a memorable tasting experience. According to the law, in order for a winery to receive the Quality Label “Winery Open to the Public”, it must have suitable facilities to accommodate persons with disabilities. This information should be communicated to the public through appropriate signage. Additionally, online, telephone, or printed information must be provided to the public. Regarding health aspects, the legislative framework stipulates the existence of toilets for men, women, and individuals with disabilities, ensuring the basic needs of visitors are met. Additionally, safety measures must be followed, and hazardous areas within the facility should be marked and fenced off, thereby safeguarding visitors and staff from potential hazards. This contributes to the accessibility of persons with disabilities to the winery's premises and ensures that they can enjoy the wine tourism experience without limitations. b) In non-primary hotel accommodations and in catering areas established within winemaking or wine-producing facilities, the specifications provided for furnished roomsapartments for rent and self-catering accommodations-tourist furnished residences must be followed. Accordingly, the specific operating conditions concerning the catering establishments must be met.