Legal Approaches for Sustainable Wine Tourism Development by Dimitrios Mylonopoulos and Polyxeni Moira

Dimitrios Mylonopoulos | Polyxeni Moira In the Ionian Islands, visitors can follow the "Ionian Islands Wine Routes," while in the Peloponnese, they can explore the "Peloponnese Wine Roads" (Peloponnese Wine Roads, 2023). The project was co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Greek Government under the Local Program “LEADER Approach” Axis 4 of the Greek Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 (Measure 421a entitled “Peloponnese Island”). The Greek government's future actions for the development of wine tourism include: 1. Creation of a digital platform for wine tourism to enhance the accessibility and promotion of wine-related experiences and destinations. 2. Continuous upgrading of the "Winery Open to the Public" Sign, ensuring high-quality standards and enhancing the overall visitor experience. 3. Establishment of a National Wine Tourism Council aimed at fostering collaborations among stakeholders in Greek wine tourism for long-term sectoral growth. 4. Strengthening the international presence of Greek wines through agreements with international partners, expanding export opportunities and promoting Greek wine worldwide. 5. Utilizing the Recovery & Resilience Fund to invest in infrastructure and promote agrotourism and gastronomic tourism, enhancing the overall tourism experience and attracting more visitors interested in wine and food-related experiences. These actions demonstrate the commitment of the Greek government to support and develop wine tourism, recognizing its potential to contribute significantly to the country's economy and cultural heritage. By investing in the sector and fostering collaborations, the government aims to brand Greece as a prominent wine tourism destination on the global stage. 5. Conclusion In the perspective of sustainable development within the framework of “Re-imagining tourism” in Greece, oenotourism, as a special interest form of tourism (e.g., cultural tourism, ecotourism) represents a small-scale intervention in the environment, showing respect for local ecosystems. In this context, it is important to promote policies and initiatives for oenotourism activities with respect to local culture, the environment, and people. For example, providing incentives for visiting wineries and businesses with environmentally friendly transportation, adopting sustainable tourism practices, participating in Best Wine Tourism Awards (Great Wine Capitals, n.d.), and promoting the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, in the operation of facilities, etc. In the contemporary globalized environment of uncertainty and continuous challenges and crises, sustainable development is of strategic importance for achieving business goals and contributing to the creation of a society characterized by justice, equality, and prosperity. In this context, the adoption of a common language for sustainable development provided by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 is urgent. Furthermore, it is essential to link all components of the wine value chain with the aim of creating the ideal tourist product that enhances local identity. For this purpose, it would be beneficial for oenotourism experiences to be based on local agricultural product varieties, the cultural landscape, and the artisanal heritage of each region. All tourism