Legal Approaches for Sustainable Wine Tourism Development by Dimitrios Mylonopoulos and Polyxeni Moira

1st World Congress on Wine Tourism and the Law Figure 2. The Daphni Wine Festival, 1959 Source: Photographic archive from the MINOS winery - barrels with wine from various regions of the country. In 1959, winemakers from 84 regions of Greece participated in the Daphni Wine Festival (ΜΙΝΩΣ, 1959). However, there was no relevant institutional framework for conducting winetourism (oenotourism) activities until 2014 when Law no. 4276/2014 was enacted. Specifically, wine tourism was introduced as a special form of tourism under Article 25 of the law, and it is defined as a form of tourism that involves the provision of services of reception, guided tours, accommodation, and catering services in spaces functionally integrated with wineries or wine-producing facilities (vineyards). These services are offered in combination with activities related to vineyard cultivation and wine production. In fact, the legislator allows the establishment of non-primary tourist accommodation and catering facilities within the boundaries of wineries or wine-producing facilities, by way of derogation from the existing provisions (Law no. 4495/2017, Article 138). This allows wineries and wine-producing establishments to offer a comprehensive wine tourism experience, providing visitors with the opportunity to engage in the entire winemaking process, from vineyard to cellar, and to enjoy the local gastronomy along with wine tasting. According to Law no. 4582/2018 (Government Gazette A' 208) and Law no. 4759/2020 (Government Gazette A' 245), non-primary tourist accommodation is classified as: a) selfcatering accommodation - tourist furnished villas (villas), b) self-catering accommodation - tourist furnished residences, c) furnished rooms - apartments for rent. Therefore, these categories do not include hotels, organized camping sites, youth hostels, complex tourist accommodations, condo hotels, and small-scale mixed tourist accommodations (Mylonopoulos, 2022). The legislator seemed to intend to distinguish wine tourism from mass tourism and characterize it as a special interest form of tourism). This approach allows the development of small-scale wine tourism facilities, emphasizing the quality of the experience they offer and respecting the environment and sustainable development. This enables visitors to